This new 6-8 hollow Pole Elastic from KND is a real 'top-draw' 100% pure latex elastic.
It's the next to the lightest size in the range and comes in a 2m & 3m length. It's soft and really supple, yet extremely strong with superb stretch qualities.
This new 6-8 size is really forgiving and ideal for fishing for all course/silverfish and especially good for small carp and silverfish etc. And slightly larger fish if used in conjunction with a puller-kit.
It has a smooth outer surface and a second internal tube with a particularly small-bore, allowing easy movement through your bush-end pole tip.
It's a superb elastic that won't let you down
at a much lower price than other major brands yet equally as good, if not better.
2 Core Orange Hollow Pole Elastic Size 6-8
External Dia: 1.6mm
Colour: Orange
Lengths: 5M. 3.M. 2.5M. 2.0M
Stretch: 8 to 1 approx
Internal Dia: 0.7mm
I’ve used this hollow elastic now for 2 years and love the stuff for bream and tench. If the occasional mud slug comes along it usually copes ok with a side puller.