Where Quality And Price Matter
Where Quality And Price Matter
Where Quality And Price Matter
High Quality, Best Value Match Tackle.... at unbeatable prices
High Quality, Best Value Match Tackle.... at unbeatable prices

UKs Exclusive Stockist for KND-Tackle
Keepnets Direct
UKs Exclusive Stockist for KND-Tackle
2 Core Hollow Pole Elastic
Our very popular latex hollow pole elastics offer a large range of sizes and colours for all types of match and pleasure fishing.
The elastic is perfect for commercial venues where all-day action is required, and strength and durability are paramount, 2 CORE ELASTIC will easily cope with these challenging venues when larger amounts of carp are caught throughout the match session.
It has a smooth outer surface with a second internal latex core with a small 0.07mm bore. Allowing easy movement through your bush-end pole tip without the internal core collapsing.
All this performance and quality is offered at an extremely low competitive price, compared to many other fishing elastics on the market today. Sold in 4 length's 5m,3m,2.5m & 2 m